To some people online discussion boards are round-the-clock flea markets open for brandishing how bad their educational system has failed them.
Free speech, exercised intelligently or otherwise, is of course encouraged all the way; discouraged when ‘some people’ aim their attention deficiency (a.k.a. cheeky and pretentious discourses) via to me.
While I can’t and will not even attempt to stop you from tailing along and antagonizing every reply I post on topics discussed at our network, I will however counsel you and in the process save you from wasting time and www space with your lengthy antithetical essays lovingly written for me just so I’ll take notice: I do not find aggression sexy.
Show me a very clean six-inch penis (at least) clothed with expensive underwear (and on no account I refer to Ben Chan’s brand) which you can afford with your high-paying job that HR recons you deserve because (1) you have an impressive CV with a police clearance to match; (2) you are neither very ugly nor smelly to be in their employ, then perhaps I’ll show interest.
Your English is good. Maybe you should blog instead of... whatever that you do.

Labels: Assumptionista ako minsan., Maybe I'm Just Bored, Online Vermins
Maybe you should confront him face to face.. uhmm
i mean through the forum of course...
Happy New year!