“Help the poor...”
With what? Medical missions? Free foot ware? Free arroz caldo? Free Jolina concert? Far cry to what it takes to substantially address and manage the Philippine situation. Band aid can’t cure cancer.
We need to legislate sustainable solutions against poverty that’s been the worsening ailment of our great nation. What existing laws we have now are evidently ineffective.
We’ve constantly clamoured government action and here’s one of potency. Now they say that the Church's concerns weigh more than the empty bowels of millions of children, calloused hands and feet of underpaid labor force and disfranchised propriety of multiple generations of the present and the generations yet to come.
This is not a church versus state crap. The fact is, the constitution guarantees that the church shouldn’t even be an issue. This is about the laden populace and the prevention that they burden more.
Really, what does the Church suggest instead? Another prayer rally? Bother God anew to help us handle things that He's provided us with the capacity to deal with them?
What would kill us is our narrow-mindedness. What's really lethal is the deception by the powerful and the influential.
The bishops, the lawmakers, election 2010, blackmail... we’re witnessing Dan Brown’s next novel written before us.
House Bill 5043
Labels: Political Science for the Miseducated Filipino 101, Public Service
I am no ANTICHRIST, but it's a fact that the Catholic church lead this country into POVERTY ("the poor can only enter the kingdom of God" then what about Bill Gates?) from the time of Rizal(Spanish)...BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! (Please read his works)
Sorry for my poor/lack choice of words for I am no novelist, i wanted to express my feelings towards my beloved Country and to my fellow Filipino people, that's why I am so glad to stumble upon this BLOG. BRYAN keep this up! to my fellow FILIPINOs it's time to OPEN YOUR FRIGGIN MINDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Please learn to love our country, let's help one another!
I'm proud to be onehellapinay!