okay, you got hold of my attention this time. listen then, i have a short story for you:
once upon a time there was this thirsty, licentious, wanton, bat-cave nosed, social climber, fashion trash fox walking pass a vineyard whose grape vines crawled-up far past the fox’s jumping height.
wanting so badly to quench his thirst, lustful fox jumped and jumped and jumped (and brags around this photo of him giving a melanesian boy a blow job) and jumped until he finally conceded to the fact that he can never reach those clusters of red, juicy, tasty, muscular, bubble-assed, handsome grapes.
conceited fox then rants around town telling everyone that red, juicy, tasty grape is actually sour as those sugar cane vinegar sold in binalonan, pangasinan and bitter as the coffee they serve at the holiday inn.
morals of the story are: it’s easy to despise what you can’t get and the 8th commandment—bearing false witness against your handsome neighbor.
i don’t know with you (in tagalog: ewan ko sa‘yo), but when i was a kid, my mom bought me this children’s book with read-along cassette tapes of aesop’s fables. it helped dished-up my social orientation quite well even before i was sent to school to learn how to read and write. i’ve been reading my yaya’s love letters years before i went to pre-school… which explains my poor command in english. i digress.
anyway, i shouldn’t really be wasting my time on you. i have enough trouble on hand, but i guess it’s best to brush-off the petty ones first before i settle the essentials. so… brush, brush, brush!
i know what’s eating (or not eating) your ass. i really don’t care, but let me say this: i don’t credit myself of your indecent proposals. i for one never acclaimed for myself the status of personalities who had expressed interest on dear me; call me a swagger, but i’m sooooo above that.
as a closing remark, i want you to sink this into your mind, as this is the root of your hating-on me:
i don’t and will never want to have sex with you! period. that’s tuldok in your mother tongue.
contrary to popular belief, papua new guinea is a free country. so go ahead and do as you please. but ya toucha’ this ass and my friends’, i breaka’ ya already broken face!
30 May 2006